Category: my training
Current training plan
This year, I’m following a training plan of my own creation, the core of which is a four-week…
Running goals for 2022
Be consistent My number one goal is to train — to run — the whole year, without any…
Big Vert comparsion: first vs second time through
As the table below shows, I did a lot more training in my second run through of the…
8 weeks out of 20: more of everything so far!
So far, I’ve managed to do more of everything on my second run-through of the Big Vert plan:…
Biggest week so far!
Last week, week 7: 3,500m elevation gain 80 km 12.5 hr This following two weeks of over 3000m…
First 3000m+ training week!
Last week was my first of doing over 3000m elevation gain in a week of training, without including…
One fifth the way through Big Vert Plan II and on track!
I have just completed the first four weeks of my second run through the Big Vert plan: three…
Week 2 and two hill sprint sessions done!
That’s the same number of sessions I did in the whole first run-through of the Big Vert plan. …
Weight control
I’m going to start watching my weight. I’ve always kept an eye on it, but now I want…
Strength progression from February to now
After having an Achilles niggles at the end of January, I started strengthening my calves. Progressively. I started…