Yes, I am getting mountain stronger!

What I suspected in my last post has been confirmed this week.

I did my longest muscular endurance workout yesterday evening with and increase in weight, and I felt fine during it and even pretty fresh on my run this morning.

Niggles mean something! Who’d’ve thought?

I’m also seeing how wise it was to take days off here and there a few weeks ago when I was getting seemingly random niggles.

They were frustrating, but they certainly weren’t random. It looks like my body was asking for a bit of rest so it could adapt to the new stimuli.

In hindsight, it’s obvious. But at the time it wasn’t because I didn’t feel tired, fatigued or even sore. I just got tweaks and niggles out of the blue. (Of course it wasn’t out of the blue because I was doing new things.)

Now I see that these niggles meant something. I was right to heed them. 

In my usual short-sighted way, I thought I’d never get through them at the time. I thought I’d have to scrap the training plan. But now I see how small a setback those niggles and few days off were.

Let’s hope I can remember this for next time.

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