Daniels’ Running Formula by Jack Daniels – micro review

Practical, comprehensive but too hard for me

Daniels’ Running Formula by Jack Daniels gives practical advice on how to train for middle and long distance events up to the marathon. It’s a book by a practitioner and is full of insights and empirical evidence from years of coaching.

So you can believe that the methods and advice have been tried and tested.

However, I get the feeling there may be a bias towards younger or elite athletes in Daniels’ recommendations and plans.

I’ve tried to follow plans from the book a few times but have never got anywhere. I found them too demanding.

Most of the many plans in Daniels’ book ask for at least two interval workouts a week. That old familiar formula: short intervals, a tempo run and a long run each week — or some twist to it.

This is unfeasible for me. Even in my 20s I don’t think my body would have handled two hard sessions a week plus a long run for any length of time.

Perhaps if I’d understood this before trying his plans, I could have made them work for me.

But anyway, if you don’t know what a tempo run is or how to do intervals, Daniels’ Running Formula is a good starting point.

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