I’ve taken today off to rest because of pain in my knee since my run yesterday after a twinge I’d forgotten about the previous day.
Did I pick up this niggle and possible injury because I upped
my training load too much recently?
Probably, yes.
I went from averaging 57km, 1218m of vert
and 6hr 25min for 4 weeks to averaging 76 km, 1572m and 8hr 49min for the next
That’s a 33% increase in distance, 29% increase in vert and a 37% increase
in time!
Oh yes, I definitely overstepped the mark!
I was pushing as hard as I
could to up the load. But I should have paid more attention.
In one sense, this is actually good. At least I know
why I the knee hurts.
It also means that the load wasn’t necessarily too high. It actually felt
easy. The ramp up was just too steep.
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